Wednesday, January 30, 2013


                January 23, 25 2013 Mr. Carl Adrian Antojado decided to watch again a movie titled in “FANAA”. This story tells about the two lovers named Zooni and Rehan Qadri , Zooni is a girl that Rehan Qadri lover a blind young lady but there’s  a  lot of chance to see’s anything. Rehan Qadri is a terrorist, a son of Rahul Dravid.
                In this Story Rehan Qadri had feelings to Zooni and Zooni felt same way. One day there was a bomb blast the father and mother of Zooni’s believe that Rehan Qadri is already gone or already died on what happened on the bomb blast then Zooni was able to identify Rehan’s thing and then Zooni cried because she believe that Rehan is died because of the bomb blast in Bureau of Military Intelligence. The head of the anti-Terrorist unit Mr. Susheel Rawat.
                After a year’s Rehan Qadri is on mission and when he had a wound he was on the house of Zooni, Zooni is not blind anymore he pretend first that he don’t know Zooni. And that time the mother of Zooni’s died a couple of years ago. Rehan Qadri remain silent but when he know that he had a child with Zooni he decided to tell Zooni that he is Rehan Qadri the one that she loves. And that situation the father of Zooni. When I meet Zooni I was on a mission Rehan explained.
                And that day the father of Zooni was not totally trusted Rehan Qadri. You are a traitor, you may be my daughter’s husband but I’ll gladly kill you Zooni’s father said. And that situation Rehan Qadri accidentally killed Zooni’s father.
                Zooni’s called on a radio that Rehan Qadri is her on side and one thing is the trigger. Actually on the ending Zooni killed Rehan Qadri intentionally.
                For my own state of mind, it’s better to tell the truth than to kept a secret that causes of your dead. An it’s better to sacrifice the love than to sacrifice life.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


              Mr. Carl  Adrian Antojado decided to watch a movie titled  in "GHAJINI" . We have no idea why he decided to watch a movie like this. actually are subject to him is all about blog, we have any idea of having this movie films, So "GHAJINI" is all about a man that had an amnesia every fifteen (15) minutes and that is "Sanjay Singhania" the chairman/owner of the airvoice company and the boyfriend of Kalpana.Kalpana is a commercial model, here's the other characters in ghajini movie. Ghajini is the killer he killed kalpana on july 1 2006, Sunita the medical student friend of sanjay sanghania, Satveer the director of commercial that kalpana works, mayapuri the news network antergate, kalpana save the twenty five(25) kids,and on june 21, 2006 end of Sanjay Singhania diary of 2006. In this movie Sanjay had an amnesia every minutes he had a tattoe in his body to remember the place the people that connected to him. This is the reason why ghajini and Sanjay Singhania connected, because ghagini got angry to kalpana because kalapana saved the twenty five (25) kids that ghagini kidnap, ghagini made a planned how to killed kalpana, and kalpana called Sanjay Singhania she said that the grouped og ghajini is in her house to kill her. Sanjay Singhania saw Kalpana and got knifed by the grouped of ghajini and Sanjay Singhania was hack by the grouped of ghajini and also kalpana, and thats the reason why kalpana died.

             Sanjay Singhania killed ghajini because Sanjay Singhania he loves kalpana so much. In this story of  "GHAJINI" I have no idea, what is the related to my subject blogs, its because a blog can accept links? or what? I really dont know. I really dont know how to relate this story to my subject "BLOGS".

            Sanjay Singhania felt inlove with kalpana a pretty woman in the eyes of Sanjay  Singhania, kalpana is helpful girl a kind and lovely pretty woman, the best part of the ghajini movie is being a helpful, kind person, thought that kalpana was the girlfriend of the airvoice chairman. She tried to explain his side and then it happened that she took the oppoptunity and pretending as the girlfriend of the airvoice chairman, known as Sanjay Singhania. 

            If ever that I am Sanjay Singhania, I cannot do things that Sanjay Singhania do to have a justice for his girlfriend named kalpana. It is because I am not like Sanjay Singhania that have a justice but not the same with Sanjay Singhania do with ghajini and the ghajini grouped, when Sanjay Singhania had the chance to revenge ghajini took the opportubity to do this long time plan to kill ghajini by doing the samething how kalpana died. When you are in a relationship its better to tell everthing the real personality or identify to your love ones because where are not be able to hold are own life, because there so called God's will.

             This movie films tell us how will Sanjay Singhania handled that hardest situation to have a memory loss every fifteen (15) minutes called anterogate amnesia, and how long the love Sanjay Singhania to kalpana this is the lovestory that we cannot forget.